Thursday, October 22, 2009

Boda Bodas and Prison Ministry

Today we were up at 4am to get out at 5am. While still experiencing jetlag and on very little sleep, we were able to get up at 4am. After 2 and half hours on a rural road ways, trying to avoid the many “Boda Bodas”(Motorbikes) we went west bound toward the Congo. We finally arrived at Mwera Prison. It is a prison for “idling”. There were 24 prisoners, and all 3 of us spoke about Jesus. Then an invitation was given, and 9 accepted Christ. Then we were off to another prison to minister. After about a half hour drive, we arrived at Mityana Prison. We were led into a building for approximately 40 prisoners came in, mostly male with 3 or 4 female. After an awesome time of worship with drums; there were 3 drums and much enthusiasm. We all spoke, and by the Power of God, 14 came forward in the beginning, and another one spoke to Tim, who happened to be a Muslim. He wanted to receive Jesus and renounce Islam, and wanted to know how to be disciple, this man was afraid to make this decision as it could cost him much persecution both in prison and upon his release. Pastor Tim encouraged him in his walk with Christ and assured him that no matter the cost he will always be close to Jesus secure forever.. We finished up with praying for the sick and handing out food. As the inmates were saying their goodbyes with smiles and waves each of us could sense that God was smiling down on us once again. Afterwards we rode home tired but encouraged.

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