Thursday, August 21, 2008

20/20 vision

Today I stand in awe, aware in my own limited fashion of the true magnificence of our creator.

Yes I believe in a divine creator and one who is not dead but very much alive and involved in the affairs of mankind. You might wonder what draws me to this conclusion…its simple really. I looked, I mean, I REALLY looked HARD, hard into the invisible places of God's domain and suddenly I realize he is not invisible at all. I see him clearly as with twenty twenty vision.

Yes I saw him today, again fresh and new.

I saw him in the face of a tiny baby as I felt those little fingers wrap around my thumb and I could smell him too in the scent of baby’s sweet skin.

Later I saw him…just a little yellow flower lit by the sun. Or was it the purple one in corner of the yard?

I ate a piece of chocolate candy this afternoon, one brought home by my wife and what do you know I saw him there too. He made the flavors of the chocolate, sugar, and vanilla.. And, what about the mystery of a wife whose love for her husband compelled her to bless him with a gift for no reason at all. How can one explain such love?

Every now and then one finds them in a state of awe. For example, have you ever witnessed a truly unselfish act? I mean the kind servant giving totally devoid of “self”?

If you have seen this then you too have seen Him…But if you cannot see him maybe it is not that you are blind maybe you just need to update your prescription, so that you too will have twenty twenty vision.

Then if you look…I mean really look… I know you will see him also.

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