Monday, August 11, 2008

One Pastor’s Leadership Strategy

Webster’s Dictionary defines leadership as...“The ability to guide, direct, or influence people”. Within this definition lay three very key elements crucial to the development of a fully functioning church organism. A leadership training strategy will be the most central and necessary aspect of any organization seeking to obtain maximum effectiveness in their mission. In the case of “Church Ministry” it is paramount to achieve growth, health, and vitality. Before any ministry programs building blocks can be assembled and a foundation laid, one must set a leadership cornerstone. Leadership is the first layer upon which everything else will be built. Leadership guru John C. Maxwell wrote: “The higher the Leadership the greater the effectiveness“ [1]

I believe it to be a recent phenomenon initiated by the Holy Spirit within the last 20 or so years that leadership and its need in training has shifted from the business community to the business of “church building”. (Example: The leadership summit hosted by Willow Creek Church for the past 13+ years and the many other such venues worldwide) We as the body of Christ do well to heed the voice and move of the Holy Spirit in directing us to better understand the value of good leadership. It is not without a since of irony that Lord is “leading” in this way.

To begin an effective strategy we must first establish a model for such leadership. Much in the way an architect might make a miniature model from the blueprints. For the church this model must be Jesus. We need to examine how he leads and the virtues of his character (Honesty, integrity, covenant, demonstration though example, confidence in his disciples, giving the hard word, etc) and look for such virtues in those we partner in leadership with. They must be people who possess the natural and spiritual gift of leadership noting that leaders can be made and as one matures the spiritual gifts often emerge as well. When one is confident that skilled and competent leader(s) are partnered with them the process of influence and shaping can begin. I see it in the following way, using these three “macro” elements or components of leadership, Guide, Direct, and Influence.

Guiding: One who is in a head leadership position has a responsibility to get “buy-in” from the team. Leadership is best implemented as a team effort. Guiding implies taking one by the hand. While this might seem offensive to some, the servant leader will have no problem with this concept. Once the “guiding” (Goals, core values, vision, mission, etc, all of which need “buy-in”) have been established one can move to a leadership management role…directing.

Directing: A good strategy for a leader in directing is to lay out a path perhaps set timelines and expectations, suggestions, bullet points of an idea, then let the team or individual flesh it out all the while reviewing their progress without impeding the progress. For example, if one is desiring to develop a new ministry a head leader (Lead Pastor etc) must allow for the idea to take shape, change, evolve, be tested, and so forth. In directing one helps the micro leader to develop the idea(s) using the ministries core values, mission, vision etc as a filter. It is also imperative that one not micromanage the team. Keeping them focused and on track is necessary however to prevent a future derailing and team train wreck. This is important because such team train wrecks often lead to demoralization of the team and a since of failure and doom. It might be at times hard to intervene in a micro leaders idea (speeding train) and it most certainly will not make you popular in the short run but it will earn you respect if the team knows you respect them and trust them. Then all the more they will follow where you are leading. This by definition is influence.

Influence: You have influence by virtue of how you lead. John C. Maxwell defines leadership as “influence”[2] period. Where I do agree in principal I think this definition is limiting. It would like to suggest that leadership is influencing yes, but perhaps it is best when it is “influence in the form of promotion”. In other words, it is our highest goal to promote others, to acknowledge them and show that you value them, and care about them over what they can do for you. Influence should be in promoting others ideas openly an in support of vision beyond you. Fact is “we just ain't all that” It is never about us. It is about the macro vision of reaching people far from God. We serve the most creative being in the universe and the Holy Spirit is constantly working in the hearts of people to develop His next big idea and guess what, it probably wont be my idea but if I get this, and allow for other to be promoted (seen) then I will have (I believe) ultimate influence and growth in my team and we will be effective in our mission.

The best strategy in leadership training is to raise up servant leaders who understand that service to our Lord and each other and the people we are called to minister is the highest form of worship. It is a matter of the heart. This is the kind of influence I want to have. This is my strategy.

Source: [1] [2] Leadership 101 – John C. Maxwell

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